Mentor Gashi

Attempts to align thoughts by practicing writing.

Shorten URLs for yourself

TLDR: To continue exploring CloudFlare cloud platform, to my convenience my next project is a service which shortens url's to my need. The end project is here: To remember it effortlessly lets call it shurl which stands for short url. Minimal UI is provided by concrete style again. What we need for this project is a landing page where you are instantly offered to create a short url, a backend function to save it, and a backend function to visit the shortened url.

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Making of the demo project

This is a follow-up article to A full-stack developer's shift to serverless paradigm, which explores the spontaneous allocation of project resources. To fully grasp the context, familiarity with JavaScript, its ecosystem, npm, and web development concepts is recommended. However, feel free to proceed at your own pace.

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A full-stack developer's shift to serverless paradigm

It's been a while since I truly grasped the concept of serverless computing. However, transitioning from managing servers to embracing serverless practices demands more than just understanding its definition. It's about challenging yourself to approach tasks in entirely new and unconventional ways.

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Tooling fog within development teams

Transitioning between development teams and embracing new disciplines often exposes us to a myriad of diversities that can significantly influence where we choose to invest our focus. It's not uncommon for engineers to find themselves developing intense obsessions, and one of the common areas of fascination is tooling. While there's a multitude of domains to explore, this article is dedicated to improving your ability to navigate the fog that arises when you encounter a mesh of tools, which, ideally, should seamlessly blend into your daily development routine.

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My failure to give a farewell to Albismart

The recent events in the tech industry, where companies have faced consequences for failing to act but have gained wisdom afterwards, have inspired me to reflect on my own experiences. In particular, I want to address my failure to publicly give a farewell to a company that Arbnor Gashi and I co-founded.

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Move slow and fix things you broke

In the past two decades, humanity has been focused on promoting rapid technological advancement, and we have embraced the idea that it's okay to "move fast and break things." This has allowed many apps and hardware products to fail and reach the surface, and we have been totally okay with it.

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Just a little Docker should not give you harm, right?

Struggling around to get through your first day with Docker? It really kinda is frustrating. Add a few more tools that you just met and that's how you start burning out. To cool it down a bit, I will list a few hints I wish someone gave me when embarking a Full-Stack role including some minor DevOps tasks that keeps you going.

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